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  • Significant Accomplishments: Some high school financial literacy instruction embedded in required course; Financial literacy standards in some K-8 social studies standards

  • Needs Improvement: Needs to require high school stand-alone personal finance course


There are no specific personal finance requirements for a high school diploma in Wyoming. Wyoming does require instruction in “economic systems and institutions” for high school graduation. In the 2018 Wyoming Social Studies Content and Performance Standards, one of the five benchmarks for graduation in the Production, Distribution, and Consumption content standard is personal finance-related. Furthermore, the Wyoming 2018 Mathematics Content and Performance Standards include cross-disciplinary connections to Financial Literacy in K, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grades, as well as high school.

Wyoming Education Code mandates that “each school district within the state shall provide education programs sufficient to meet uniform student content and performance standards at the level established by the state board of education in the following areas of knowledge and skills: … life skills, including personal financial management skills.” The 2018 Wyoming Social Studies Content and Performance Standards also includes one personal finance benchmark in the five economics benchmarks for the ends of Grades 2, 5, and 8.


Wyoming receives a “C” for only providing some financial literacy instruction throughout Grades K-12 through embedded standards in high school and social studies and mathematics standards in a few grades. Wyoming must require a stand-alone personal finance course for high school graduation in order to raise its grade to an “A.” 

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